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gt6garageeditor is a website that is a blog. Here you can find articles about the most recent films, videos games, and TV shows. It also has video reviews and trailers of films and TV shows. The site is designed to be easy to navigate with a clean user interface that doesn't overwhelm the reader with information like spammy ads for products or other blogs on the sidebars. The blog has four tabs across the top of all pages: cinema, gaming, TV/Movies, and shop; two more tabs on some pages: Staff Picks; and one link in each article's header for related content (links open new windows). The site uses the current year as the default year for all dates. This makes it a bit difficult to find a movie from a particular year. They have a FAQ page to help steer people in the right direction if they are searching for titles from a certain year. gt6garageeditor is developed with WordPress - an open source blogging platform with over one million blogs built on top of it - and CSS3 features. There are no ads on the site and they do not charge for content, however they ask readers to donate when buying products from their store at http://shopgt6garageeditor. com/ gt6garageeditor had more than 1,100 reviews on this web site. The reviews are split into categories: Movie Reviews; TV Show Reviews; Video Game Reviews; and Audiobook reviews. The next page of the review has a rating and a description of the review. Any comments or questions can be commented or asked for feedback. The last page of the review has a summary along with the rating and description of the review. If there is affiliate product information, they will be listed in each review under Product Reviews that link to an external source such as if it comes from them or to their own external affiliate website if it is not from them. gt6garageeditor will tell you, the site reader, of any product reviews of products they have also reviewed. It also tells you if they have reviewed this product in the past. gt6garageeditor has over 200 of its own reviews of movies, or DVD movies that are members-only or can be viewed on their home page. i.e., the blog has a rating system for anything they have reviewed whether it is a DVD movie or not on their site. They have over 14,000 reviews on DVD movies at the time of this article being written in June 2010. These DVD reviews on their website will also have a link to a website where a person can buy the DVD movie this review is about. They have over 5,000 reviews of movies from movies made from 1950 to 2004, and they have more than 30,000 from movies from 2005 to 2009. gt6garageeditor states that they do not take paid reviews or any free products in exchange for a review. They do accept guest blogs as long as it conforms to their guidelines which can be found at http://www. gt6garageeditor. com/index. php?page=guidelines . cfa1e77820

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